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GE customer visit

发布时间:2022-02-24 : 流览次数: 151

On March 12, the customer of GE, the American general appliance, visited our factory, and conducted the inspection in advance for the development of the new project. The two sides had a friendly exchange in the meeting room of the company.

At the meeting, the customer first watched the company's propaganda video, and then both sides introduced their own company. After preliminary understanding, the customer affirmed the comprehensive strength of our company.

After the meeting, accompanied by the company's leaders, the customer visited the company's office building, laboratory, various product workshops, research and development department and so on. And to the customer is interested in the inductor products for a detailed demonstration and explanation. Customers are very satisfied with the high performance and high quality of jiahua's production line equipment.

After the visit, the customer had a deeper understanding of jiahua electric, and in the subsequent conversation, the two sides reached a further consensus on several cooperation intentions.

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