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Arbor Day activities

发布时间:2022-02-24 : 流览次数: 178

The most is a good spring, trees add green at the right time. March 12, is the annual Arbor Day. On that day, in order to carry forward the concept of green environmental protection, guide the majority of workers to set up the concept of green environmental protection, the company organized logistics management personnel and department heads of more than 30 people, in the company to carry out "set up the ecological concept, build a green enterprise" as the theme of tree-planting activities.

At 13pm that day, under the organization and leadership of the general manager's office, everyone with tools walked into the tree planting site and started the tree planting activity. At the activity site, everyone rolled up their sleeves and picked up a shovel to dig holes, support seedlings, raise soil, step solid, every process is done very seriously. We two or three in a group, division of labor cooperation, tacit understanding, orderly, everywhere a bustling labor scene. They work together with high efficiency, after we nearly three hours of labor, individual saplings strewn at random, standing against the wind, for the spring to add a thick green.

The active participation of relevant personnel in this tree-planting activity not only adds a touch of green to the beautiful spring day in March, but also further raises people's awareness of greening and environmental protection. After the activity, everyone said: through their own labor, to create a beautiful living environment, is a remarkable thing. In the future work and life will be more love trees, protect greening, will contribute to the building of green enterprises.


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